Thursday, December 23, 2010

Citalopram Overdose Fatal

(Note important: The following was written based on an old blog of Carolina Aguirre before the blogger "drift")

U nce
read blog Caro Aguirre . The author defines the characters of his posts as Mughals and discussions in the comments by the same author
commentators often call them - in a tone always aggressive - Mughals / fhRrpj ; It is surreal that mimic angry commentators far from his beloved blogger and start trying to Mughals between them. And if we consider that the "content" of the posts are descriptions of eschatological themes as how much women dirty public toilets and the smell of the taxi, the blog becomes a very morbid frenzy mongolism and shit. And there is still the most morbid.
- Edited, I decided to write this better -
When the blogger is not posting about menstruation, sweat, urine and other body fluids, try to compose a character that presumes some knowledge snob gourmet while laughing at the mayonnaise, or cheap perfume prepizza of slum dwellers, but if you read carefully any written paragraph by blogger seem to realize that many times tilinguería's not intentional! The "author" looks for any excuse for us to know - hiding evil - that in real life uses brands like Apple or Starbucks (Year 2008 Apple is still cool and not expected to see people queuing 40 minutes for coffee at Starbucks) . " The other day at the opening of Starbucks Argentina on my iPhone while reviewing the comments of my Editor the employee Mongui ..... " My editor that my editor that, my iPhone from my iPhone here Do you need further many posts with the word "Sushi"? * I wonder as I read the blog unexpectedly caught Caro Aguirre. Because we have to recognize the "author" to his blog, addictive, slightly less than a car accident and Moria Casan the same as speaking in "English" in the program Tinelli, that feeling that I can only define as "vergüencita"

" Blind Dating "is a fiction that was Gastón Pauls for the state television screen in 2009 and rescheduled for 2011. Was a commercial failure that led to the bankruptcy of the producer and the prestige of Gaston and lost millions for the state and the pocket of Nestor Kirchner. The program averaged a rating point when he received a "floor" of ten points of the "Football for All" Kirchner in prime time. Blind Dating Martin won a Fierro the same year that 678 was nominated for Best Journalistic Programme. It is common knowledge that APTRA combo sells statuettes to a channel or a major producer. Nestor Kirchner that year bought the nomination of 678 and as colleagues become Cacho Rubio gave an award for Blind Dating. Just look at the photos of Kevin and Nestor to realize the obvious.

show business and I am a blogger I am aware of all the miseries of the environment "artistic." Gastón Pauls Kirchner will be all they want but not selfish. The boy handed out all the help he received from Nestor and Carolina Aguirre muuuuuucho gave more than deserves a writer not listed as a writer in the credits of any production and a writer who never published a book. "

kirchenristas officials spend most of their time reading blogs and tweeting. Timerman and Foreign Minister Anibal Fernandez are the best examples. A Peronist you guys will run the post, stop funding this girl please. Pagenlé private plane or comm Jessica Cirio all dancers Tinelli. It is cheaper (for all).


*** Update: A reading " Mughals" Caro Aguirre left comments allegedly upset because tweeting as @ AguirreCaro enjoy "Foie gras. I deleted your comments and I explain some things to the follower of "blogstar" that - as expected - no ability to recognize a metaphor. I do not follow the Twitter user @ Aguirrecaro but I doubt that boasts a tortured animal feed. Caro Aguirre is made to disguise Tilinga is a full-fledged Tilinga. Example
general to plot levels of snobbery:
- " I'm cool because I have a iPad" Sarcasm, pretending to be mentally retarded .
- "I read your comment on my iPad, removed it and now I'll explain why "snobbery if not mentioned too marked" iPad "
-" My iPad here, my iPad there iPad my husband this, my iPad that husband "and so 24 hours 7 days a week (as who does not like things) 100% Tilingo / a.

* Japanese condiment wasabi is not? opened a blog dedicated to Sushi? God, that funds the state? not even fit with the liberal discourse of the government.

Update3: I came across this comment on a blog Just Jared
mamba 12

Che is not defending the moron of Vargas, but I tell you that I long to carolina, and I got fed up. Tb I, like many I laugh at everything, now laugh at the cheap perfumes that people buy, go to the malls to take photos with the cel people and make fun, a little too much. Mine is not exactly Hemingway, it's really intolerant of others, anyone who does not opine as she is a jerk. we agree that no gral out of mediocrity. That said, ursulita: dedicate to what you know, I mean ... .. cri cri ..


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