Sunday, December 16, 2007

2010 Archery Sights Reviews

Musical Nikto (I): Without Fear, ea ...

Well, the invention strikes again! Welcome to the Second Week Musical Nikto.

You know, one post daily (I hope), a song, a comic . Now let me start with a song ... Well, at least I will miss. Then the strange can happen to "horror" to "laugh" or "curiosity." If you come to catch him up taste, leave me positively surprised.

The strangeness does not come by the "executor", an old acquaintance ( Astrud ) if not for the song and especially the version. The song is called "I have no fear (the future)" and version of the video is what made the tour of Radio 3, which christened "Zip Version" . With two balls. Need a lot of "attitude" to go out and do it well. That large ...

Regarding the letter, it is simple as could be but with great verses and the second, of my favorites for its intrinsic nonsense rhyme and the idea. But even so mesmerizing.

Astrud The song was composed for the soundtrack of the court of Charles Congost " A Determined Mystique" which dealt with the passage of the monotonous life of a young conventional (Pablo Rivero, the actor who plays Toni Alcántara on "Tell Me") to the artistic awareness and their decision to become a video artist. The short, although I did something I Largueta, has its charms (if pilláis out there and I will roll modernete-ironic) and the soundtrack has its Puntazo Astrud (Ya I spoke of the wonderful time-argument of the artist of the 70 with his song "I've eaten poop).

Finally, I leave you with "I have not Fear", a song buenrollista, chargers batteries and greatly needed in this week I have meetings, revisions and future ...

Note: It lacks a few seconds at the end, but hey, just a "laralá" more and now.

I have no fear (the future)

fututo I have no fear.
I have no fear of the future.

I find new friends,
Incredible people who will teach me
Incredible things to teach.

with my video card and a Arteleku
scholarship will be easy to show
What's in my head,
has no time to hesitate anymore because I have no fear ...
There will be things

And I shall not answer questions
But I will not give

I have no fear ...



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